
The passion people have for creating their own content is truly unprecedented, and they should not feel restricted by any professional thresholds. Introducing Mideon, a revolutionary MIDI input device empowering people to effortlessly create music without the need for extensive theoretical knowledge or advanced instrument performance skills. With Mideon, aspiring musicians can unlock their creativity and embark on a journey of musical expression like never before.

Let everyone have fun with music creation, not struggle.

Mideon is a MIDI keyboard for music production, not live performance. All the features are around making inspiration recording and songwriting easier, helping beginners get rid of difficulties from music theory and instrument skills.

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Preset Scales

Scales are sets of music notes that sound good together. Each scale has a unique set of limited notes that give the scale its distinct and recognisable character.
Playing notes in the correct scale currently requires remembering key positions. However, with Mideon, we revolutionize this process by making the keys programmable. Once you select a scale, every key on the keyboard aligns with that specific scale, enabling you to play freely and effortlessly.

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“ It’s great that when I want to write something with a strong character I don’t need to worry about the key position any more!
I just select the Japanese scale, and I get a remarkable Japanese taste melody even when I just play freely! ”

Multifunctional Key

Keys are not only pressable, but also gesture recognizable. You can drag on the key surface to bend pitch, or even draw automation curves, which is very handy for sound FX and mixing.

mideon scalecomparison

“ Very useful when creating electronic music with synthesizers or strings! "

mideon reaction1

Precise Feedback

Innovative Mechanical Structure bring accurate velocity sensing and make it more flexible to press,
saving users 18% of mastering and mixing time,
improving satisfaction up to 93% based on user test.

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mideon scalecomparison

“ The feeling is much better than my old keyboard and the sound precisely represents my emotion… "

mideon reaction1

Time-tested Design

Bring delighting experience even before starting music creation.

Surgical-grade stainless steel shell
Matte graphite panel
Subtle translucent PP keys


Design for the trend of user-generated content


Gen Z’s passion of creating is unprecedented

User-generated content is replacing professional content

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User Generated Contents are 5x More Likely to Convert Customers vs. Non-UGC


By 2020, more than 50% of commercial content will be created outside of marketing

$ 6B

Music related user generated content could be worth $6BN over the next two years

User-generated content is so good…

“I would like to try creating my own song and post it online…
That would be super cool…”

Thinks Carl.
mideon friction-think

“Create, express and share!
How can I be stuck at the very first step???”

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Beginners are facing barriers creating their own music right now

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Mideon is here born to pave the path for beginners!

Functional Prototyping & Engineering


mideon code